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What is the global cost of littering?


  • The UK’s Billion Pound Epidemic:

    According to a Telegraph article the UK spends out more than one billion pounds a year on controlling and maintaining its rubbish. It blames the so-called ‘throwaway culture’ and since the 60's figures show that the country has endured a 500% litter increase








Littering Facts


About 85% of littering behavior is the result of individual attitudes.



How long does trash last?



  • Cigarette filter:1-50 years




  • Monofilament fishing line:600 years


  • Glass Bottle:

1,000,000 years




How much debris enters the ocean?    6.4 million metric tons (equivalent to approximately 14 billion pounds) of trash per year enters the ocean.





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Litterbugs have an environmental impact globally.




economic cost of littering
litter prevention
cost of littering
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